Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life is a Math Formula


Life is a calculated math formula. We all know what is 2+2. By understanding the basic rules to mathematics (life), we may apply ourselves to greater heights. 
As we begin learning multiplication and division, our lives becomes complicated (as we begin learning new things). We must take a few steps backwards to learn to understand what we are doing wrong and reflect by recognizing and acknowledging our mistakes. (This is a great motivation technique to help someone to push forward quicker.)
By pushing forward, we may take the next step to learn fractions, and algebra. As we grow we face a new set of problematic challenges. If you are not making mistakes, you are not learning. We learn the hard way that building a strong foundation is time-consuming. Moreover, will help us shape our future to become a smoother sail forward. 
As we begin learning geometry and statistics, we realize how complex our lives are evolving (more money is more problems). Regardless, of how intelligent or brilliant we are, we are still prone to making calculated mistakes. Making mistakes is a never-ending process. There is always room for improvement. Regardless, of what a perfectionist, we are, we need to realize that we cannot be perfect. Instead, we must view our present and future with an open-mind and always make a calculated decisions before proceeding forward.#Confused #Distraught #Reflecting #Venting #Frustrated #Lost

Life 2 Short


Life is to short. Do live each day to the fullest with no regrets.

Its only up to you to make the best of your life. 
Nobody has the control to dictate your life.
Nobody can stop you from  achieving greatness.
Nobody can make you do something you do not want to do.
Negative comments are just words that contain no value or meaning.

Smile more and have fun!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hollywood is running out of ideas!

Bonnie and Cylde

A few nights ago, I was watching the 1967 revision of Bonnie and Clyde the acting was so unbelievable it seemed very real and authentic. These days Hollywood just utilizes computer animation assuming it spices the graphics to the movie. The truth is if Hollywood makes movies as they did in the past, more people would visit the theaters to watch great authentic movies not Photoshopped.

I watched last night the 1937 version of Baby Girl Molly it appears so real even though the movie was in black n white the story was so beautiful. It was gorgeous, now movies are dry and boring all about sex. As sex does sell in the United States. 

Dirty Truth

Its sad when you see a Chaldean driving a $100k plus automobile shopping at the grocery store with a EBT check card and living in a $5M home.

Its a sad truth...

Where is UNCLE SAM to punish theses people who are taking advantage of the welfare system causing Uncle Sam to be in Debt causing people like me to surrender over 45% of my paychecks to these filthy disgusting bastards.

If I could turn-in Chaldean's to the city of San Diego, immigration office to be researched and be revoked for receiving welfare benefits for cheating the system, I would. I would not feel bad, I would make so many people happy that are working over 40-hrs a week busting themselves to hold food on the table. The more hours they work the more taxes they pay to Uncle Sam.


I am so glad I am not full Chaldean...

Chaldean's in the city of San Diego hold a bad reputation. Its embarrassing admitting to anyone I am a "CHALDEAN".I am fortunate, I have Italian, Russian, Polish, and Turkish in my blood.

I never been able to fit in the Chaldean crowd. Some might call me white washed. I refuse to be a typical Chaldean. Each day, I strive to be different and refuse to follow traditions or the culture.

Chaldean's are worse than CNN Headline News!