Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dirty Truth

Its sad when you see a Chaldean driving a $100k plus automobile shopping at the grocery store with a EBT check card and living in a $5M home.

Its a sad truth...

Where is UNCLE SAM to punish theses people who are taking advantage of the welfare system causing Uncle Sam to be in Debt causing people like me to surrender over 45% of my paychecks to these filthy disgusting bastards.

If I could turn-in Chaldean's to the city of San Diego, immigration office to be researched and be revoked for receiving welfare benefits for cheating the system, I would. I would not feel bad, I would make so many people happy that are working over 40-hrs a week busting themselves to hold food on the table. The more hours they work the more taxes they pay to Uncle Sam.

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