Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life is a Math Formula


Life is a calculated math formula. We all know what is 2+2. By understanding the basic rules to mathematics (life), we may apply ourselves to greater heights. 
As we begin learning multiplication and division, our lives becomes complicated (as we begin learning new things). We must take a few steps backwards to learn to understand what we are doing wrong and reflect by recognizing and acknowledging our mistakes. (This is a great motivation technique to help someone to push forward quicker.)
By pushing forward, we may take the next step to learn fractions, and algebra. As we grow we face a new set of problematic challenges. If you are not making mistakes, you are not learning. We learn the hard way that building a strong foundation is time-consuming. Moreover, will help us shape our future to become a smoother sail forward. 
As we begin learning geometry and statistics, we realize how complex our lives are evolving (more money is more problems). Regardless, of how intelligent or brilliant we are, we are still prone to making calculated mistakes. Making mistakes is a never-ending process. There is always room for improvement. Regardless, of what a perfectionist, we are, we need to realize that we cannot be perfect. Instead, we must view our present and future with an open-mind and always make a calculated decisions before proceeding forward.#Confused #Distraught #Reflecting #Venting #Frustrated #Lost

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